New Wrinkles on Car Break-ins

Home » New Wrinkles on Car Break-ins

I got two very interesting reports from VaHi residents about car break-ins in Buckhead – but that could very easily happen most anywhere. One concerns a church that has an exercise program where the patrons do not want their wallet stolen from a locker – so they hide it in their car. The thieves are on to this, watching for females entering without a purse, to victimize. Their cars were empty otherwise. The other report came from a pre-school there, where again, the car borne thieves watched for a female (sans purse) to enter to pick up her child, pulled up their car next to the victim’s car, positioned so a back seat thief passenger could reach out, break the window, snatch the purse, and calmly drive away without attracting attention. This process takes only 4 or 5 seconds.

Think what these folks could accomplish in life if they devoted this much time to a legal pursuit.

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