VHCA Tour of Homes Committee—Come Help Us Rebuild in 2017

Home » VHCA Tour of Homes Committee—Come Help Us Rebuild in 2017

By Robin Ragland, 2016 VHCA Tour of Homes Chair

Our neighborhood Tour of Homes is a weekend favorite for attendees and community volunteers each December.  Like other initiatives within VHCA, the tour occurs because a committee of volunteers spends their time throughout the year to create the experience that so many have come to enjoy.  This dedication has contributed to VHCA granting over $270,000 to our schools, partnering non-profits, and neighborhood partners over roughly the last decade.  This includes just under $130,000 for schools, almost $40,000 for Trees Atlanta, and almost $45,000 to our local public library.  The money raised also supports other neighborhood initiatives such as security cameras, the restoration of Fire Station 19, and parks projects.

There are several volunteers who have been on the committee for a number of years, whose work and commitment has enabled the Tour to significantly increase the amount of funds raised.   Each year, some members of the committee retire, and new folks join.  Such is the nature of volunteer efforts—it’s not known who will come forward each year to help accomplish our goals, but we depend on residents stepping forward as they are able. 

2017 will be an important rebuilding year for the Tour of Homes.  After co-chairing the committee in 2015, and chairing it in 2016, I am stepping down to join the ranks of a ‘regular’ committee member in 2017.  A few sub-committee chairs will return to plan the 2017 tour, but a number of critical positions must be filled with new volunteers. 

If you’re someone who loves our neighborhood and really enjoys the Tour of Homes, please strongly consider taking advantage of a wonderful opportunity to meet new folks, and have such a positive impact on Va-Hi.  Recruit a friend to volunteer with you!

For the tour to occur as usual in December this year, it is critical to have folks raise their hand and volunteer to fill these roles.  I am happy to chat with anyone who is interested and needs more information before signing up for the task.  We are also planning a committee celebration for this past December’s tour.  Let me know if you’d like to join us to meet some of the committee members, and learn more about what’s involved.  You may contact me at [email protected].  Committee members will also be present at the Volunteer Open House on January 29.

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