Maiden Trail Workday Recap

Home » Maiden Trail Workday Recap

20140712_091609The alleyway that runs parallel to St. Charles and Ponce de Leon avenues, between Frederica and Barnett streets, received a big dose of TLC from local residents and student volunteers this past weekend.  A group of 30+ worked from 9AM to noon on Saturday July 12 to clear brush, collect trash and recyclables, and spread gravel to improve the alley known locally as “Maiden Trail”.

photo 2bNeighborhood residents most closely engaged with maintaining and improving the alley formed the Maiden Trail Conservation Group in late April.  The group’s goal was to apply for and win a ‘Love Your Block’ grant from the City of Atlanta, and the group was advised in late May that they’d been awarded $1,000. Some of the funds were used to improve the alley’s surface and overall appearance during this most recent workday.

20140712_093620A dozen bags of trash and recyclables were collected and 13 cubic yards of gravel was spread in just a few hours with the help of more than 20 college student volunteers.  These students are recipients of Gates Millennium Scholarships, which provide each student a full 4-year scholarship to use at the college or university of their choice. The students give back to the community through various volunteer activities.

Councilman Alex Wan of District 6 provided bottled water for the group and the Atlanta Community ToolBank lent shovels, rakes, and wheelbarrows at no cost for the event.

photo 2aFuture plans for Maiden Trail include planting shade trees and perhaps adding address markers to help APD officers more easily identify locations along the alley when responding to assistance calls.

“The Maiden Trail Conservation Group encourages neighborhood residents to check out Maiden Trail and see how pleasant the area has become for walking the dog or just taking a stroll,” says organizer Christopher Juckins. “Gone is the overgrown brush and excessive mud that plagued the alley for several years. It’s great to see a huge decrease in the previous loitering and littering problems, but the help of vigilant neighbors is needed to keep the area clean and secure.”

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