Rupley Drive permit parking

Home » Rupley Drive permit parking

Alex Wan’s office forwarded the following announcement to the Virginia-Highland Civic Association. The Virginia-Highland Civic Association does not play a direct role in these decisions. We would however help as best we can with any resident concerns. We certainly sympathize with the residents on Rupley, and others near commercial nodes, with regard to parking issues. We also know that this Residential Permit Parking Program is likely to impact streets near Rupley.

Announcement from Alex Wan’s office:

“The Department of Public Works is ready to proceed with establishing a new Residential Permit Parking Program (RPPP) in Virginia-Highland on Rupley Drive (both sides of the street) between Adair Road and Todd Road in Council District 6.  The new program is being established at the request of the neighborhood due to excessive commuter vehicles in competition for parking with residents. The street has met the minimum requirements for a RPPP and residents did not opt-in for a 30% set aside and 2-hour parking allowance for non-permit holders. We are proposing the new RPPP sign installation for the week of February 20, 2012. Enforcement would begin the week of March 5, 2012. Please advise us of any concerns you may have. We would like to proceed with public notification this week.

If you have any comments or concerns please contact:

  • Sheila Parrott – Administrative Assistant to Alex Wan, 404-330-6049, [email protected]
  • Alex Wan – Councilmember, District 6, 404-330-6049
  • Valerie Bell-Smith- Public Relations Manager, Sr., Department of Public Works, [email protected], 404-330-6215
  • Peggy Berg – VHCA Board, Committee: Safety – Traffic/Transportation & Sidewalks, 404-512-9142, [email protected]
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