Grand opening of the Cunard Memorial Playground

Home » Grand opening of the Cunard Memorial Playground

Sunday, March 28th at 2pm: Opening Ceremonies (rain or shine), 2-5 pm

Join us for the Grand Opening Ceremonies of the Cunard Memorial Playground. We’ll have a few words from Mayor Shirley Franklin, Councilwoman Ann Fauver, Commissioner of Parks Dianne Harnell Cohen, a special presentation to Brad Cunard, and the unveiling of the Cunard Memorial. Then there will be music, food, balloons, fun, surprises, and ice cream!

Background: On July 10, 2003, the Virginia-Highland community was shocked by the sudden loss of three neighbors – Lisa Cunard and her two sons, Max, 3, and Owen, 5-months-old – when a tree fell on their car during a storm. Brad Cunard was driving the car and he survived, but was left with the devastating loss of his wife and sons. Neighbors, friends and loved ones have rallied around Brad offering love and support, and are now paying tribute to the loss by opening the memorial playground in John Howell Park, for which they helped raised more than $150,000 to build.

(photo missing)

Brad is in photo with Cynthia Gentry, who headed the playground committee, at the November 15, 2003 installation day.

Saturday, March 27th:
Park clean-up day:
10am-12noon: Kids’ Clean up
1-4pm: Adults Clean up

Help clean up the park to get it ready for the big day. The committee is encouraging neighbors who would like to help to sign up in advance at [email protected], especially if you’re bringing a group, but it is not mandatory. Feel free to bring along rakes and brooms. We’ll have some, but could always use more.

The children will be there from 10am until noon, with ice cream served at noon. They will be picking up sticks, washing the playground equipment, sweeping, raking, pouring new sand in the sand box, unpacking sandbox toys, etc. We will welcome all ages. All children must have an adult that is responsible for them; i.e. no drop-offs. The adults will work that afternoon from 1 until around 4. (They get ice cream, too.)

For more information, please contact Cynthia Gentry by email at [email protected], 404.853.4878 or leave a message at 404.222.8244. Contributions to the playground are still encouraged and can be made payable to “Park Pride,” and please write “for Cunard Memorial Playground” on the memo line. Mail checks to the Virginia-Highland Civic Association, P.O. Box 8401, Station F, Atlanta, Ga., 31106.

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