Crime reports

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The following crime reports for weeks # 38 and 39 of 2009 are taken from our APD Zone 6 crime stats, with emphasis on our Beat # 603, but with news from around the Zone as it applies to us. These reports are not meant to scare anyone – but are presented to raise your level of awareness and alertness.

Auto Theft – Cars were stolen from PDL Avenue, Virginia Circle, St. Charles Avenue, with an unsuccessful attempt on Drewry Street (though still leaving a damaged window and ignition). I have just recently been informed of an auto theft from the Frederica Hall condos parking lot where an alert resident called 911 and one of the thieves was arrested. There was also a middle of the nite auto theft on Adair Avenue using a tow truck – but no arrest due to delays with the 911 call. Not all tow truck drivers are law-abiding citizens – as evidenced here.

Residential Burglary – None reported from our beat – but all across Zone 6 entry was made via kicked-in doors 12 times in this time period.

Commercial Burglary – There were two units entered at the storage facility on Cheshire Bridge Road.

Larceny from Auto – Cars were broken into on Elmwood Drive, Greenwood Avenue, Los Angeles Avenue, Maiden Lane, North Highland Avenue, Virginia Avenue (2), Park Drive, and Cresthill Avenue. Of these 9 reported incidents – 6 involved out of the neighborhood car owners. The Cresthill incident resulted in an arrest after an alert neighbor chased the perp and detained him til APD arrived. One of the Virginia Avenue incidents also had an arrest thanks to an alert neighbor calling 911 after seeing the breakin. This alert neighbor also reported that other passing pedestrians ignored the breakin and continued on walking or jogging – this bothers me.
All around Zone 6 in this time frame there were 5 license plates taken off, fourteen GPS systems taken, 2 more hand guns added to the arsenal on the streets, two in-dash radios ripped out and tires taken off two vehicles on Redford Drive, S.E. Another liquor delivery truck was looted of 17 cases of booze on Euclid Avenue.
I have not heard of any sightings of the maroon Pontiac with license plate # BVJ 2541 since this car was stopped by APD on 9/16 and questioned due to the alertness of Kris White that evening. Maybe the driver of this car has moved on to other neighborhoods where folks are not as alert!

Larceny Other – Delivery packages were taken from front porches on Johnson Road and PDL Place. Remember to take advantage of the safe delivery addresses at Intown Hardware and City Storage – stop by either of these businesses to get details as to how you can assure the safety of your intended UPS and FedEx shipments.
Shoplifting – CVS and Urban Outfitters caught one each, the PDL Avenue Kroger and Publix stores caught 7. An expensive stroller was stolen from a Los Angeles Avenue front porch in daylight, and a child’s bicycle was taken from a St. Charles Avenue front porch. A Blockbuster movie was taken from a Beech Valley Road mailbox.
On 9/13 at two separate convenience stores on Cheshire Bridge Road 2 males used the same ruse for thievery – one dropped a bottle of liquid on the floor and while store personnel were cleaning up the spill – they stole either cash or merchandise. Store owners take heed!!

Residential Robbery – At 6:15 a.m. on Woodland Avenue 4 Hispanics were robbed at gunpoint by 2 b/m who had entered their apartment via an unlocked front door. On 9/15 at 4:10 a.m. on Wimbledon Road, the perp knocked on the door stating he was a friend of Mike who needed some help. The victim thought they had a mutual friend and let him in – the perp pulled a pistol and demanded money, the victim complied but fought back, and the perp fled in a vehicle. Answering the door at 4:10 a.m. without knowing exactly who it is?????? A Dutch Valley Place resident was robbed at knifepoint by a former roommate and 2 accomplices at 2:30 in the afternoon.

Pedestrian Robbery – On 9/25 at 11 a.m. in the Wachovia parking lot on Monroe Drive (across from Ansley Mall), a Subway employee was robbed of his deposit bag at gunpoint. Something tells me the deposit bag was very visible or this robbery would not have taken place. Please warn your friends who make business deposits to hide the bag on their person before they exit their vehicles at the bank. The same scenario applies to leaving the bank also with a bag full of cash for change. A visible deposit bag says “Rob Me!!”.

Stay alert and stay safe!!