Designers, Coders, Writers, Business Manager Needed to Help on VHCA Communications Committee

Home » Designers, Coders, Writers, Business Manager Needed to Help on VHCA Communications Committee

The VHCA is looking for residents who’d like to help the Communications Committee on a volunteer basis. The committee maintains the VHCA website and produces a semi–monthly newsletter (The Voice) and other updates as needed, contributes to news sources around Atlanta, supports fundraising efforts through the creation of communication pieces, writes articles and manages all aspects of communication to the community.

Ideally, we’d like to find volunteers to help in the following four areas:

  • Digital needs which include working with and updating our WordPress site, and helping with the creation of our e-newsletter which is sent out via Mailchimp. Knowledge of Formstack would also be helpful.
  • Traditional graphic design, including file creation. Most files would be created in InDesign with some assets for the web created in Photoshop.
  • Writing. There are many stories to be told in the neighborhood and we’d love to hear from anyone willing to help. Don’t feel like you have to be a professional writer – our current team can help polish contributed articles.
  • Through both editorial content and advertising, The Voice encourages residents to shop locally. Our newsletter is an excellent platform for neighborhood businesses to tell residents why they should do so, and advertising sales is an important source of revenue for the VHCA. We’d like to find someone who can work with local businesses to help them take advantage of the advertising opportunities available to them through The Voice.

If you’re interested in any of these opportunities to help, please email [email protected] to find out more. Whether you have a lot of time on your hands or a little, we can find something for you to do.

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