Wan Provides Update on Proposed Cheshire Bridge Road Neighborhood Commercial Legislation

Home » Wan Provides Update on Proposed Cheshire Bridge Road Neighborhood Commercial Legislation

Following are comments made by District 6 City Councilperson Alex Wan in an email to constituents regarding neighborhood commercial (NC) legislation proposed for the Cheshire Bridge Road commercial corridor.

Click here to read an online version of the email.

I want to thank everyone for all of the feedback that you have provided me regarding the proposed Cheshire Bridge Road Neighborhood Commercial (NC) districts legislation – both those that support the effort and those that have raised concerns about its impact. Please know that I have been taking everything into consideration.

After careful deliberation, I have requested that the Planning and Law Departments to submit the following substitute legislation to the Zoning Review Board for consideration at its next meeting on Thursday, May 9, at 6:00 pm in Council Chambers at City Hall:

NC-4 Substitute Legislation for ZRB
NC-5 Substitute Legislation for ZRB

There are essentially two revisions to each.  First, the legislation now applies only to adult businesses within NC-4 and NC-5 (versus all non-conforming uses as originally presented), and second, the amortization period has been extended from two to five years.  It is my hope that the amended legislation, if adopted, will help the corridor realize as much of the vision set forward by the original Cheshire Bridge Task Force Study in 1999 as possible, while further minimizing the number of businesses that would have been negatively impacted by the legislation as it was originally proposed.

As clarification, these new versions are complete substitutes for the previous proposals, which will no longer be under consideration (put another way, these amendments are not in addition to what was on the table before but replace that language.)

I encourage everyone to continue participating in the legislative process, which includes the ZRB meeting on Thursday night where the board will hear the application again and may render its recommendation to Council on the proposal.  The meeting is open to the public.  However, public comment is limited to 10 minutes in support and 10 minutes in opposition, unless the board elects to extend that time.

Zoning Review Board Meeting
Thursday, May 9, 2013
6:00 pm
Atlanta City Council Chambers

From there, it moves to City Council’s Zoning Committee and then to full Council for deliberation.

As always, I continue to welcome your feedback and questions on this matter.  Please contact me at (404) 330-6049 or [email protected] if I can be of assistance.

I appreciate the opportunity to be your voice in our city government.


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