2013 Kidsfest Organizers Say Thanks to Sponsors and Performers

Home » 2013 Kidsfest Organizers Say Thanks to Sponsors and Performers

DSC_0065The organizers of this year’s Summerfest Kidsfest want to send a heartfelt THANK YOU to our 2013 sponsors. This year’s event was a huge success!!!

Kidsfest is such a big part of Summerfest, and the committee works hard to make sure we provide a great experience for our neighborhood kids and families, none of which would have been possible without the generous donations of our sponsors. Not only did they help fund the weekend, but they shared their time by providing a meaningful and relevant activity for families to enjoy.

The Kidsfest committee would like to ask that you consider patronizing these businesses that provide much-needed support to our neighborhood efforts.

Prima Printing

Intowners Real Estate

Goddard School Midtown

Bla Bla Kids

Jewish Kids Groups

Intown ACE

Home Depot on Ponce

Center for Puppetry Arts

SLAPP Tennis

Backpack Journalists

We also can’t go without mentioning the fantastic job each performer did on our music stage. These performers kept us entertained, laughing and cheering! Email us if you have questions or would like to get in touch with any of our sponsors or performers.

Eclectic Music 

Springdale Park Chorus

Burke Connolly Dance

Rachel Platt

My Homework Ate My Dog

Our Fabulous DJ the Neal the Sound Guy

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