Relocated BeltLine Cat Settles in VaHi

Home » Relocated BeltLine Cat Settles in VaHi

33081898b3e877df52249c7fc0767939Piper – the celebrity cat who, until recently, resided in a drainage pipe near Angier Springs Road along the BeltLine Eastside Trail – has apparently found a new home in Virginia-Highland.

According to an article in Patch, Piper was forced to relocate because of some grading that developer Perennial Properties must do. VaHi resident John Craft offered up his “unique rental” (see photo below) just two blocks off the BeltLine and Piper had her new home.

BPeLzJuCcAApThfHere’s a link to the article in Patch. You can also check Piper’s @beltlinepiper Twitter feed or Facebook page ( for more information.

Welcome to VaHi, Piper!

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