APS Supt. to Meet with Grady Cluster on Sept 24 at Inman (6:00 pm in Auditorium)
by Stephen Cohen, Voice Editor
Supt. Meria Carstarphen and APS Board member Matt Westmoreland will reveal the Board’s updated proposals for additional middle and high school classrooms in this meeting. You may read the Superintendent’s letter to “The Grady Cluster Family” here, which states in part:
“The District’s facilities team is now developing options for addressing the best use of our resources within the cluster. Using feedback from meeting discussion, emails, letters and phone calls, we have insight from you to shape these options. This has allowed the team the best opportunity to match space solutions with the needs of our students and the vision of the Grady Cluster……Please join some of your Board of Education member and me to map a permanent solution for the cluster.”