Brookridge Tree Petition
UPDATE, 7.3.01
Joan Walters wrote a letter on 6/28 to Susan Miller thanking her for her responsiveness to many neighbor’ concerns about saving trees on 817 and 821 Brookridge and asking for clarification regarding her proposed changes to her tree plan for 821. It was unclear whether Ms. Miller had made any changes to the tree plan for 817 and Ms. Miller has not responded to several phone calls. Then on Friday 6/29, a FOR SALE sign was posted on the 817 Brookridge lot. Apparently Ms. Miller is asking $275,000 for that lot or $550,000 for both lots but she does not want to sell 821 separately.
On 6/30 the City installed sewer lines for both lots.
On 7/2, Frank Mobley, the Senior Arborist told Joan Walters that Susan Miller has not resubmitted a revised tree plan yet. If she does, the plan will be posted again and neighbors could review the changes to see if they are satisfied. At that point, a decision would be made about whether to go forward with an appeal or not.
Of course, the best outcome would be if the lots could be purchased and continue to be used as the greenspace that so many people have enjoyed for years, but that would be a big undertaking. We will continue to explore the options and keep everyone updated.
UPDATE, 6.21.01
Thanks to everyone who signed the Brookridge petition both online and off and wrote letters to Susan Miller, the developer. On 6/19/01, the day before the hearing of the appeal was scheduled, Ms. Miller asked the Tree Conservation Commission to cancel the appeal hearing because she was working to revise plans and would resubmit them to the City at a later date. We thank everyone who came to the hearing on 6/20/01; we were unable to notify everyone regarding the last minute cancellation and apologize for any inconvenience.
On 6/21/01, Joan Walters received a letter from Ms. Miller which responded to the concerns which had been raised by neighbors at a meeting with her on 6/8/01. In part, her letter reads: “I have revised my plans for 821 Brookridge Drive to address your concerns about trees. My revised plans result in saving all trees in the rear set back area, particularly the large water oak that everyone has been so concerned about and saving an additional tree in the front set back area. The changes have substantially reduced or I should say eliminated any meaningful backyard for the proposed houses. This for me, is a major compromise in an effort to address your concerns and move forward.”
We are in the process of trying to get more details from Ms. Miller, as well as a copy of her revised plans to review in order to understand more fully the specifics of her proposal. For example, the letter only addresses one lot: 821 Brookridge (the lot on the left); and says nothing about 817 Brookridge (the lot on the right). We will continue to keep everyone posted regarding developments.
The Virginia Highland Board of Directors has voted to support the appeal to the Tree Conservation Commission filed by neighbors on April 30, 2001, for property at 817 & 821 Brookridge Drive. The following is being posted on behalf of those neighbors filing the appeal:
The appeal regarding the clear cutting of the two lots has been scheduled for a hearing before the Tree Conservation Commission. It will be held at 6:00 pm on Wednesday June 20, 2001, in Committee Room 2, Second Floor, Atlanta City Hall (downtown) 55 Trinity Street, SW, Atlanta. The appeal is supported by the Virginia Highland Board of Directors as well as by Neighborhood Planning Unit (NPU) F. Attend the hearing if you can. Numbers can make a difference in showing a broad base of support.
Several neighbors have met with Susan Miller, the developer of the lots at 817 and 821 Brookridge Drive (overlooking Orme Park), who plans to build two 3,600 to 3,800 square foot houses. We do not dispute her right to build these houses, if they meet City Code, or her right to remove trees in the footprint of the buildings. However she is planning such extensive grading that she says it is impossible to save any trees. We believe that it is possible to modify the plans so that there is less extensive grading which would allow some trees, particularly those close to the rear and side property line, to be saved. As of 6/13/01, Susan Miller has not indicated any willingness to look at alternatives.
Fill out the petition below.
Write Susan Miller immediately and express your opinion about her removing all of the trees. Then fax or (e)mail a copy of your letter to Joan Walters who filed the appeal:
Ms. Susan Miller
1785 Johnson Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30306
cc: Joan Walters
677 Elkmont Drive, NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30306
fax: 404-872-5015
Attend the hearing of this appeal at 6:00 PM, Wednesday, June 20, 2001 in committee Room 2, Second Floor, Atlanta City Hall, 55 Trinity Street, SW [downtown].
Please call Joan Walters at 404-872-5649 or Stephanie Coffin (who is co-chair of the VaHi Civic Association Parks Committee) at 404-874-0523 if you have any questions or ideas regarding this situation.
Check this page for updates:
Read the Tree Protection Ordinance online at the city of atlanta website:
“I feel that every effort should be made to protect the trees at 817 and 821 Brookridge Drive. I oppose the planned clear cutting of these lots and urge Susan Miller to work with the community to save as many trees as possible.”
Comments * :
* We are seeking volunteers interested in contributing their talents / expertise / time toward this effort. If you have construction, legal, architectural, earth / environmental sciences experience – we need you. Please make a note in the comments field above. Thank you.