Committee Co-Chairs

  • Megan Graddy
  • Amy Harward (VHD Liaison)

The Committee will use VHCA website, the VOICE, Facebook, Instagram, and other media to raise awareness of efforts and garner engagement in efforts of the organization.

Recurring Annual Goals
Ensure all communications reflect a consistent style and represent VHCA’s goal of community engagement, education, and empowerment.

Seek opportunities for interpersonal communication with association members.

Monitor relevant social and print media and recommend appropriate responses, as needed. Alert appropriate committees to respond.

Work cooperatively with local media outlets (Creative Loafing, Atlanta InTown, etc.) to share content, leverage subscriber databases, etc. – especially in support of events.

Reach out to communication chairs from nearby neighborhoods and find ways to leverage mutual communication efforts and email databases to increase overall reach.

Assist content providers in providing pertinent content.

Increase traffic to website by posting regularly to Facebook and Instagram.


Specific Goals for 2023-2024
Publish regularly scheduled, meaningful and substantive content that promotes community engagement within VHCA, inform residents of pertinent policy and planning issues, and reflects the diversity of the neighborhood.

Increase social media following and Voice newsletter recipients.

Implement communication strategies that allow residents to easily navigate VHCA’s structure and find tangible opportunities for involvement.

Recruit additional volunteers to help with ad sales, and content including copy, photography, video, etc.