Crime reports

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The following reports are gleaned from our Zone 6 crime stats for weeks 7 and 8 of 2010, with emphasis on our Beat # 603, but with news from around the Zone as it pertains to us. I’ll state, as usual, these reports are not meant to scare anyone, but to give you a chance to alter your daily life enough to help you from becoming a victim. And – don’t forget to remind your guests to clean out their cars, not only here but anywhere they park.

Auto Theft Only one stolen vehicle to report this time – a theft on Amsterdam Avenue. Elsewhere in the Zone, cars with keys in the ignition were stolen from gas stations on Memorial Drive and Moreland Avenue while their owners went inside to pay for their gas. Need I say anything about taking keys out of the ignition?

Residential Burglary – Only one report in this category – a PDL Avenue apartment was robbed with no signs of forced entry, with maintenance people suspected of forgetting to lock up after making repairs. All around the Zone, three residences were entered via kicked-in doors.

Commercial Burglary – Druid Hills Presbyterian Church was entered via a broken window next to a door. At the Subway store in the Edgewood Retail District entry was made via a large rock thrown through the front door.

Pedestrian Robbery – At 6:30 p.m. a 70 y/o female had her vehicle taken at knife-point in the Edgewood Retail District parking lot – the car was found soon afterwards.

Residential Robbery – At 5 a.m. at a Woodland Avenue apartment in Martin/Lindridge Manor, the front door was kicked in by “several males” wearing masks and gloves carrying a shotgun and a handgun, and the 7 resident Hispanics were robbed and one was injured.

Commercial Robbery – As stated in the last Report – our North Highland Ben&Jerrys store was robbed at gunpoint on 2/7 at 5:30 p.m. This is the third robbery at this store since November.

Larceny From Auto – Vehicles were broken into on North Highland Avenue (4), Briarcliff Road, Los Angeles Avenue, Hudson Drive, and PDL Avenue. Of these 8 incidents – 7 of the owners were from outside of VaHi. Will these folks return to VaHi to patronize our businesses again? Warn your customers of the danger of leaving items in their cars by putting a gently worded sign on your front door!
All around Zone 6 in this time period 9 GPS systems were stolen, 5 in-dash radios were ripped out, two license plates were taken off and one broken-into car had nothing taken.

Larceny Other – Unwatched coats and a purse were taken from Hand in Hand restaurant patrons. Yes – these thefts can happen in nice restaurants. Our PDL Avenue Publix store caought 5 shoplifters and the Edgewood Target caught 2 non-payers.

After this past Tuesday evening’s graduation ceremony – there are now 36 new officers on the streets of Atlanta. I met several of them and they are a dedicated, gung-ho group of folks, ready to protect us. That same evening Joe Laster of Adair Avenue and I became proud graduates of Citizen’s Police Academy. This was a terrific learning experience for both of us.

Be Alert and Stay Safe!!