FBAC Expansion Plans

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For the many, many folks in the southern half of VaHi that have asked for the off-duty patrol services and protection of the Fight Back Against Crime (FBAC) your wish has been granted. Tentatively set for December 1st, FBAC II will begin operation southward to PDL Avenue and the total group will then cover the entire neighborhood. On this date we will cease the civic association paid for off-duty patrol on Friday and Saturday nights and go to a 4 night per week patrol of FBAC in this new area. Now – I expect all of you (and more) to sign up for FBAC II to make this a reality. We will need a minimum of 60 households or businesses to pay for this initial coverage and the more we get signed up – hopefully 5 nights per week coverage will be possible soon. You can belong to FBAC for $300 yearly – due in two installments of $150 each. FBAC membership will get you the patrol’s cell phone number, out-of town house checks, the monthly schedule of patrol hours, and the satisfaction of knowing there is another set of eyes and ears looking for problems that could affect you. Contact Beth Marks at [email protected] to sign up or to ask questions, and also to inquire about rates for multi-unit condo or apartment buildings. Together, we can make this expansion a resounding success for the whole neighborhood.

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