GPPA Garden Tour
(note parking issues)

Home » GPPA Garden Tour(note parking issues)
Chip Mann’s Garden at 768 Elkmont.
Photo by GPPA, all rights reserved.

The Georgia Perennnial Plant Association’s garden tour will take place on the weekend of May 5 and 6. This is not a massive tour such as the Botanical Garden’s tour – but still attracts several hundred cars over the course of the weekend. This should not represent a huge parking situation – but we still want to give folks a head’s up.

John Wolfinger says:
“this group is a great gardening organization – I’ve belonged for several years now, and Anne Sheldon,Street Captain of Cresthill Avenue, is a past president of this group. There are several VaHi members of this group – showing that ours is also a great garden neighborhood.”

Garden # 3 is at 768 Elkmont Drive and Garden # 4 is at 771 Virginia Circle.

More information at the GPPA website

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