Little Free Libraries in VaHi – Third in a Series

Home » Little Free Libraries in VaHi – Third in a Series

by Robin Ragland

Many of the Little Free Libraries in our neighborhood have their own charming stories. For those of you who missed the first or second article in this series, a Little Free Library operates on the concept of a “take a book, return a book” gathering place where neighbors share their favorite literature and stories.

The third destination on my tour through the neighborhood to find Little Free Libraries brings me to Amsterdam Ave.  George Andl established this library on the street as a birthday present for his wife, Linda Pogue, about eighteen months ago.  As you can see in the photo, what makes this library unique is it is painted the same color as their charming yellow cottage.

Linda and George are not the only residents in their “Happy Home” at 741 Amsterdam.  This is how Linda describes the members of their household:

  • There’s Murray the cat, “old and cranky”
  • Esme the terrier mix mutt, who’s “young and enthusiastic”
  • Their four chickens, otherwise known as the Virtue Sisters:  Grace, Prudence, Justice and Patience, or the “pets that provide breakfast”
  • Three bee hives—Ken, Buda and Pest—“the organic honey makers”.

Like the other LFL hosts I’ve met so far, they are enthusiastic about their libraries and the experiences gained. “It has provided us much satisfaction and joy,” said Linda, “and introduced us to more neighbors and friends.  People shout up the driveway, asking, ‘So do we just take a book?’  We are always amazed at the wide range of books, and that even the most obscure seem to find a home.”

Similar to the other libraries, children’s books are a hot commodity, and in too short supply at Linda and George’s.

So if you have any you’re able to share, please keep our LFLs in mind.

Robin Ragland is a VHCA Board Member.

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