Minutes – July 9, 2012

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Virginia-Highland Civic Association Board Meeting

July 9, 2012; Ponce de Leon Library


Mr. White called the meeting to order at 7 PM.

The following board members were present: Frazier Dworet, Genny Ferrero, Nicole Foerschler Horn, Jack White, John Wolfinger, Rob Glancy, Lola Carlisle, David Wolfson, and Lauren Wilkes Fralick. Peggy Berg arrived subsequently. Pamela Papner and Brian Goss were absent with notice.

Mr. White moved to adopt the agenda, amended to include planning application LRB-328. Ms. Carlise seconded the motion. The attached agenda (“Addendum 1”), as revised, was approved without objection.

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RJ Morris introduced himself and explained that he will be running against Arthur Ferdinand for Fulton County tax commissioner on July 31.

Jenn Graham of Streets Alive also spoke. She noted that approximately 13,000 people attended the event, which was a success. A future Streets Alive event is currently planned for the fall, although the dates have not yet bet set.

Madigan McGillicuddy, the new youth services librarian at the Ponce de Leon branch, introduced herself and discussed upcoming initiatives at the library.

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Ms. Pat Gardner invited questions about the upcoming vote on the Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (“T-SPLOST, and encouraged everyone to vote on July 31. She also thanked everyone for the continued opportunity to represent District 57.

Representative Ralph Long from District 58 spoke as well. He also invited questions regarding the T-SPLOST as well. He stated that he will have a town hall on July 12, at 7:00 pm., at Atlanta Metropolitan College, Conference Room 1A.

Mr. White noted that there will be a forum on Tuesday, July 24 at Inman Middle School for the candidates in the 57th and 58th district.



Ms. Carlisle moved to appoint Angelika Taylor chair of the Tour of Homes committee, together with all of the members. Mr. White seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Taylor spoke about the status of the Tour of Homes. The event is currently scheduled for December 11-12, 2012. She noted that there are currently several homeowners that have volunteered their homes for the tour. There is already a restaurant that has volunteered, and she noted that work now needs to focus on obtaining sponsorships. She also invited the audience to make any suggestions regarding proposed performers for the event.


LRB-328. 758 Ponce de Leon. Change of agent on the liquor license for Rudy’s Inc., d/b/a The Local. Attorney Lisa Morehower presented on behalf of the application. She explained that their accountant has advised them to make some changes to their organizational setup for tax purposes. Mr. Hatcher is currently the named agent, but his partner, Charles E. Kerns, will be responsible for the continuing operation of the business. In-house training program, no liquor violation, and has not had a liquor license violation in 28 years. In response to questions, Mr. Kerns noted that they have never had a citation for any type of violation. Ms. Carlisle moved to approve change of agent, and Mr. White seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Ferrero and Mr. White also spoke regarding proposed changes to the bylaws, and invited comments. If the bylaws are to be amended, the revisions will be voted on at the September meeting.


Frazier Dworet provided an updated budget report. He noted that the numbers reflected with regard to Summerfest are not final.


Nicole Forschler Horn spoke regarding the recent Grady cross-cluster meeting. She noted that more than 60 people attended, and that Kimberly Douglas acted as facilitator. The minutes from the meeting are now posted on the VHCA website. Ms. Forschler Horn also moved to approve the committee members nominated by the nominating committee. Ms. Berg seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Additionally, Ms. Forschler Horn explained that additional funds are required to assist Inman Middle School with the temporary trailers currently being used on site. To equip the trailers with the necessary computer equipment, the school requires $17,000. The PTA will provide $5,000, and has approached VHCA for assistance. Ms. Forschler Horn expressed that she has reached out to the other neighborhood associations within the cluster to ensure that all neighborhoods contribute. Ms. Forschler Horn moved that the VHCA allocate up to $1,500 from the budget allocated to discretionary board grants, to help purchase such computer equipment for the trailers. Rob Glancy seconded the motion. Frazier Dworet, Genny Ferrero, Nicole Foerschler Horn, Jack White, Rob Glancy, Lola Carlisle, and David Wolfson all voted in favor; Mr. Wolfinger opposed. The motion passed.


Ms. Berg spoke regarding the sidewalks. She is continuing to work on finalizing the sidewalk cluster. At the Board’s request, she recently re-approached the city regarding whether various trees causing damage were within the realm of the city’s responsibility. Ms. Berg noted that the city officials were very gracious, and the City has reduced our costs for sidewalk replacement as a result. She is optimistic that they can begin working in three weeks. Ms. Berg also apprised the Board that her recent request to the City regarding streets issues in the neighborhood was met graciously, and that many of the items have already been installed and/or addressed by the City.

Mr. Wolfinger noted that he went to Fire Station 19 to discuss respirator and air tank equipment for firefighters. There are no problems with ours (unlike DeKalb County). He also noted that he recently received a grant for $3,500 for supplies to address graffiti in the neighborhood. Because he feels that we have so much, he has agreed to share our resources with other neighboring communities.

Mr. Wolfinger further noted that he met with the safety committee recently (Eleanor Barrineau, Kay Stevenson, Juliette White, Brian Gross, and David Wolfson) regarding a new project. They are working on a “welcome to the neighborhood” for new residents. He also would like to work on some additional street lighting, but feels that it will probably be deferred until next year, as there is little time left in the year.


Mr. White provided an update regarding John Howell Park. He noted the Parks Committee recently wrote an article in the Voice to provide a complete report of what they are contemplating. Mr. White further discussed the next phase of the park rehabilitation: seeding the grassy areas of the park with fescue. He explained that it will cost $3,500, and it will require temporary park closure, aeration, fertilization, liming, and removal of weeds. Mr. White noted further that the $3,500 includes watering of the lawn and will require cooperation from the community to avoid interfering with the lawn.

Mr. Dworet raised the issue of whether or not we should allocate more significant fencing to prevent people from walking over the newly-seeded areas. Mr. White expressed that the issue really is one of aesthetics and funding.

In that same vein, an audience member questioned Mr. Glancy as to whether any of the funds from the Intown Ten (10K) road race would be made available to assist with these improvements to the park. After some discussion, Mr. Glancy eventually said he would make the report and donation in August, and then he departed.

Mr. White moved that the VHCA allocate $4,000 from the parks budget (with $500 to be allocated to the fence) to address these items. Mr. Wolfinger seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

On behalf of Ms. Papner, Mr. Dworet noted that CoA Parks has given them a certificate of appropriateness on New Highland Park, and that construction is moving forward.

Mr. White discussed recent damage that occurred at Orme Park when a city truck damaged some pervious concrete pavers, damaged a tot swing, and destroyed a water meter cover. Repairs are being scheduled.


An audience member noted that the Clairmont Lounge will be closing in connection with redevelopment efforts.

Mr. White asked the board to appoint Genny, John, Nicole and Lola to be members of the nominating committee. Peggy seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


The Board went into recess for an executive session.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM.

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