VHCA Planning Meeting November
Library, 980 Ponce de Leon Ave., 7:00 PM
VHCA Planning Meeting October
Library, 980 Ponce de Leon Ave., 7:00 PM
VHCA Planning Meeting September
Library, 980 Ponce de Leon Ave., 7:00 PM
VHCA Planning Meeting August
Library, 980 Ponce de Leon Ave., 7:00 PM
Grady Cluster meeting notes
Regarding Atlanta Public School redistricting, the VHCA hosted a cross-cluster neighborhood meeting on June 27, 2012. The goal of the meeting was to provide the Task Force with a list of criteria for developing and evaluating solutions to address the middle school capacity issue. See the meeting notes.
Graffiti News
At the urging of our NPU “F” assistant chair, Gerry Neumark, I applied for and received a graffiti eradication grant. I have now ordered and we will soon have a LOT of supplies for this process. I will now be contacting all of our sister NPU neighborhoods, as well as close-by communities, asking for a…
Benefit Event on 7/10 for Zone 6 Officers Bandy and Toomer
This event at the Euclid Avenue Yacht Club in L5P on 7/10 from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. will be in honor of Officer Bandy who tackled a mean drunk on North Highland Avenue and Officer Toomer who was ambushed outside the L5P Zesto’s. They both have a lot of healing ahead, but I hope…
New BeltLine Police Division Planned
The attached APD press release about the planned special division for dedicated BeltLine patrol is welcome news for those of us who have been wondering as to how this long and somewhat isolated stretch of real estate was going to be protected.
Safety Team Street Captain Get Together Planned
Due to the success of last year’s informal social gathering of Street Captains, Eleanor Barrineau and Kay Stephenson are planning a repeat gathering this year on 7/25 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Aurora Coffee on North Highland Avenue. I’ll be inviting some Zone 6 (http://www.atlantapd.org/zone6.aspx ) and FBAC (http://www.fbacvahi.com/) folks. Don’t feel that this…
Crime Report
The following reports are gleaned from our Zone 6 crime stats for the 2012 weeks of 22, 23, 24 and 25, Note that this is a month’s worth of crime, instead of the usual 2 weeks of reports. Again, I state these reports are not meant to scare anyone, but to make you aware of…
Landscape Architect Tour of Proposed Changes to John Howell Park
See the article about proposed improvements and maintenance to John Howell Park, “FOCUS ON JOHN HOWELL PARK: Comments Solicited For Proposed Improvements” Landscape architect Peter Frawley will conduct walking tours at 7 PM on Wednesday, July 18th, and Monday, July 23rd. Parks Co-Chairs Lauren Wilkes Fralick and Jack White will conduct tours at 7:30 AM on…
Focus on John Howell Park
Comments Solicited for Proposed Improvements It has been a busy and productive year on the Virginia-Highland Civic Association Parks Committee. Forming a new committee, coordinating with the City Parks Department, addressing challenges at the corner of Virginia and N. Highland, and doing a long-overdue comprehensive analysis of what was working and not working at John…
Summerfest Music Stage – A Look Back
Here is a look back at the Summerfest Music Stage 2012, 2011 and 2010: 2012 Music Stage The 2012 line-up was: School of Rock All Stars Wesley Cook Best Brothers Band The Quail Dogs Marc Broussard My Homework Ate My Dog Joshua Fletcher The Lost Boys The Fixx 2011 Music Stage The 2011 line-up was:…
VHCA Votes Funding to Improve Sidewalks
On June 11, 2012, the VHCA Board reviewed the first VHCA Sidewalk Bundle program and voted to fund up to $15,000 for sidewalk improvements in the bundle. Plans are to develop future bundles in the neighborhood, if the St. Charles project is successful. The funding program is for owners who require assistance to replace their…
Ga. House Electoral Forum 7/24
The VHCA will host a moderated non-partisan forum for candidates running for the two Georgia House of Representative seats – Districts 57 and 58 – that serve our neighborhood (and many others). All the candidiates have been invited, and most have confirmed their attendance. We’re hoping that all of them will be there to speak…
Help clean up “urban camper” site on BeltLine
The group that has adopted the BeltLine section north of Park Drive will meet at 10 a.m. at the entryway behind Amsterdam Walk. If parking in this lot, please put a paper on your windshield stating “BeltLine Cleanup” so the Amsterdam Walk security will know you will be gone at noon or shortly thereafter. Wear…
City crew makes street fixes that VHCA requested
Did you see our hard working City Public Works crew out in the neighborhood June 21? VHCA submitted this list of street repair requests to the City, through the PEDS on-line reporting system on Tuesday June 19. On Thursday June 22, the City had a crew in the neighborhood making the repairs!!! What a great…
PEDS Sidewalk Repair Forum
Town hall forum with Atlanta’s Public Works Commissioner and City Council hosted by PEDS to discuss sidewalk repair. Free and open to the public. Come let the City know that safe sidewalks and pedestrian access are important in Atlanta. Time: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 6:30PM until 8:00PM Location: City Hall old council chambers Address: 55…
Minutes – May 14, 2012
MINUTES Virginia-Highland Civic Association Board Meeting May 14, 2012; Ponce de Leon Library Mr. White called the meeting to order at 7 PM. Present were Board members Peggy Berg, Lola Carlisle, Frazier Dworet, Genny Ferrero, Rob Glancy, Nicole Foerschler Horn, Pamela Papner, John Wolfinger, and David Wolfson. Brian Gross and Lauren Wilkes Fralick were absent…
Keep Atlanta Beautiful Recycling and Disposal Events
Keep Atlanta Beautiful, Inc. has consolidated their recycling to a single location. The new schedule is as follows: 1st Saturday Each Month 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church 2715 Peachtree Road NE Atlanta, GA 30305 (Corner East Wesley and Bolling Roads) For more information, go to the KAB recyling page. Virginia-Highland resident,…
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