Facebook Instagram vhca_official We’re so excited for tomorrow! Can’t wait to s 🏷️ Join us for the 1st annual Virginia- Highl 📣 Announcing Virginia-Highland’s 1st neighbor 📆 Save the date! Alex Wan is hosting a Communit Hey neighbors! Join us for our next Beautification ✨ Exciting news! ✨ John Howell Park has been a Two residential neighborhood streets - St. Charles Join us Saturday, Jan 18 for workday at John Howel VA-HI is lit!! Congrats to the homes who received 🎉Save the Date: VHCA Volunteer Appreciation Eve 🎄✨ The Virginia-Highland Home Holiday Decorat Join VHCA volunteers for our monthly neighborhood Thank you to our Friends of VaHi! Great neighborho VHCA Officer Election - Final Results Are In Your friendly reminder that @vahi_tour_of_homes ti 🗳️ VHCA Elections: Voting is Now Open! Check Your voice matters! 🌟 We want to hear your thou Love VaHi? We want to hear from you! Our small, mi Attention, VaHi! 🔔 Prior to the Town Hall, plea Help us select our 2025 board! Do you know someone Board elections are coming up, VaHi! The due date Join us on October 20 for our 28th annual @vahi_to 📅 Save the date! Join us on August 27 at 7:00 P Rising 6th - 8th DT Howard students are invited to At VHCA, we have a deep appreciation for First Pre Happy Monday, VaHi! We hope you have a wonderful w 🌟 Exciting News, VAHI Neighbors! 🌟 Show off We had a blast having GameDay Men’s Health at Va We had so much fun at Summerfest we’re already t We loved have having Atlanta Pizza Truck join us a Our team is blown away by the support we had at th Gameday Men’s Health helps men get back in the g The VaHi Summerfest 5K is right around the corner! We are just TWO DAYS away from our VaHi Summerfest A huge shoutout to our 5K sponsor @hipfitatl 👏 Join us at the VaHi Summerfest 5K, and partner wit We are so excited that @stretchlabmorningside is p It's not too late to lace up your running shoes an We are ONE WEEK AWAY from our VaHi Summerfest Kick Load More... Follow on Instagram