Our Continuing Jail Fiasco

Home » Our Continuing Jail Fiasco

Our Fulton County Commissioners continue to hold we Atlanta citizens in jeopardy as they dance around the real issue of finding a permanent solution to the overcrowding issue on Rice Street. The City of Atlanta’s about face stance as to the sale of our city jail has not helped the problem either. http://m.ajc.com/news/atlanta/atlantas-sale-of-jail-1182109.html This is hardly a new problem either as shown from this 4/8/2004 article http://clatl.com/atlanta/a-lawsuit-waiting-to-happen/content?oid=1247099 Judge Shoob’s very real threat of prison sentences for contempt of court for our commissioners finally produced this stop-gap measure http://m.ajc.com/news/north-fulton/deal-with-union-city-1185879.html If you wish to ask the commissioners what they plan to do next in the way of permanent solutions – their e-mail addresses are at http://www.fultoncountyga.gov/commissioners just click on each commissioner to get their address. We are going to have to bite the budget bullet to find the financing to create more permanent jail space quickly – not later. Thanx to statehouse rep Pat Gardner for bird-dogging this issue from a state level.

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