Photo Essay: New Highland Park Construction

Home » Photo Essay: New Highland Park Construction

After nearly four years of fund-raising, designing, permit applications and contractor selection, construction began in mid-September on the new park at N. Highland Ave. and St. Charles Place. Read more about plans for the new park here.

For those not able to stop by and see the progress as its made, we thought we’d publish a few photos so you can see how things are shaping up. Construction activity continued last week with the installation of custom concrete caps on top of the granite columns along N. Highland, the laying of sod throughout the park’s interior, and installation of native plants along the new pathway, on top of the bio-retention pond and in the area to the east of the granite seating wall. Two picnic tables have been installed near the sidewalk along N. Highland. Our tremendous new green space is actually becoming reality.

We’ve posted a few recent photos below. Click here to view an album of all pictures taken since park construction began. We’ll provide additional updates as progress continues.

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