Residents Clean Up VaHi Alleyway

Home » Residents Clean Up VaHi Alleyway

Volunteers gather for a group photo before the clean up.

About a dozen Virginia-Highland residents braved chilly temperatures yesterday – but fortunately no snow – when they met to clean up the section of alleyway between St. Charles and Ponce de Leon avenues that runs from Barnett St. to Frederica St.

Residents Alicia Cardillo and Chris Juckins organized the clean up. Volunteers collected enough bags of trash to completely fill the back of a pickup truck. In addition to trash, several bags of recyclables were collected, and some overgrown brush was cleared.

A future event is planned to clear more brush and make the alleyway safely navigable for vehicles. It is hoped the increased traffic in the alley will discourage the homeless encampments and other undesirable activities that take place along the alleyway.

The group thanks Emile Blau of American Roadhouse who generously supplied biscuits and coffee for the volunteers. Supplies were donated by Keep Atlanta Beautiful, Keep Virginia-Highland Beautiful and residents.













...and after.

…and after.









Scroll down to view more photos from the clean up (thanks to Chris Juckins and Kay Stephenson for these). Click here to see more photos of what the area looked like before the clean up.

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