City crew makes street fixes that VHCA requested

Home » City crew makes street fixes that VHCA requested

Did you see our hard working City Public Works crew out in the neighborhood June 21? VHCA submitted this list of street repair requests to the City, through the PEDS on-line reporting system on Tuesday June 19. On Thursday June 22, the City had a crew in the neighborhood making the repairs!!! What a great response!

City Street Repair Crew installing pedestrian crossing signs - photo courtesy of Jack White.

City Street Repair Crew - photo courtesy of Jack White

The repairs were requested by neighbors who identified these issues and asked VHCA to take them to the City. VHCA accumulates requests and submits them in batches every few months so the City can handle the requests efficiently (Peggy Berg — email: [email protected]). The City completed the last batch of requests from the neighborhood (thank you Public Works!). The batch the City is currently working on is (quote):

  1. Crosswalks along North Highland in Atkins Park need to be repainted, St. Augustine, St. Charles, St. Louis and Greenwood all need repainting badly in some directions and are in slightly better shape in other directions.
  2. Crosswalks at Ponce De Leon and North Highland need painting badly in all directions.
  3. We need the stand-up Pedestrian Signs replaced along North Highland and would like to have them anchored to the street.
  4. I was told that the street light in front of Yogli Mogli at the corner of Virginia and North Highland needs to be connected (but haven’t been up to the corner after dark to see if this is fixed).
  5. Would you install a countdown signal with walk/don’t walk sign for pedestrians at the intersection of Virginia Avenue and Park Drive. This has heavy traffic from the Middle School and no signs, so it is a safety issue.
  6. There are two yield signs on Park on the east side of Monroe, turning south. One is in really bad shape, would you take it off the back of the sign to which it is attached, or replace it?
  7. The pedestrian signal needs repair at Monroe and Park on the east side of the street.
  8. Greencove Ave. needs repaving. It is severely potholed and broken, particularly at the dead-end of the street; a large hole on Clemont where it meets Greencove needs repair.
  9. The neighborhood has been concerned about the intersection of Monroe/Tenth/Virginia around Grady, the Park and the Plaza. It’s dangerous. I know the City has been aware of the problem for a long time and has been studying it. Please let me know if there is anything we can do to encourage improvements at this intersection. (unquote)
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