VaHi Safety Team Report: February 10, 2015

Home » VaHi Safety Team Report: February 10, 2015

By John Wolfinger

The following reports are taken from our APD Zone 6 VaHi Beat 601 reported incidents for the 2015 weeks 4 and 5 (1/18-1/31).

These reports are not meant to scare anyone, but to let you know what happens around us every day so you can be alert and aware.

Aggravated Assault: No reported incidents from Beat 601.

Auto Theft: No reported incidents from Beat 601.

Commercial Burglary: On 1/26 Real Chow Baby restaurant on PDL Avenue was burglarized and reported $1200 in cash taken from the manager’s office safe.  Their security cameras showed the perp opening the back door with a key, use the code to disarm the alarm and use another key to open the office door.

Residential Burglary: No reported incidents from Beat 601.

Commercial Robbery: No reported incidents from Beat 601.

Residential Robbery: No reported incidents from Beat 601.

Pedestrian Robbery: No reported incidents from Beat 601. However, just south of us at the Edgewood Retail District – there were two more carjackings. On 1/24, 3 male suspects took a car and purse from the female victim via vocal commands along with an object that looked somewhat like a knife. This car was recovered one day later.  Then on 1/26 another such incident happened – the story at  This resulted in the arrest of 2 of the 3 suspects. No other such incidents at Edgewood after these arrests that I am aware of.

Larceny From Vehicle: Cars were entered on PDL Place (purse, retainer, dental nite guard), Virginia Avenue (dress, I-pod), Amsterdam Avenue (gym bag and running shoes), Highland Terrace (vehicle registration), North Highland Avenue ( Macbook, bag, watch, check book, bracelets and a scarf), Barnett Street (GPS and drill set).  These were all the incidents that were reported to APD via a 911 call – but I have a strong feeling there were several more of these intrusions, judging from reports I have gotten from some Street Captains.  No report to APD – no crime committed.

All over the Zone in this time period there were 57 reported cases resulting in one more weapon added to the arsenal on the streets, 5 catalytic converters sawed off and 3 license plates unbolted. Keep walking behind your car on a regular basis to make sure you have a license plate.

Larceny Other: A Monroe Drive male victim lost $100 in a stolen change jar by a female perp he had met on-line.  At an un-named North Highland Avenue bar the victim was handing $40 to a friend when it was snatched by the suspect who ran out and escaped on a bicycle.

Elsewhere around the Zone, at the Historic 4th Ward Skatepark a female suspect asked to borrow the male victim’s cell phone. She handed it off to a male accomplice and they drove off in a car with a stolen license plate. At the Edgewood Retail District, the victim went into 5 Guys to buy food for a panhandler and when he came out his bike and the panhandler were gone. Talk about biting the hand that was going to feed you.

In this time period all the stores at Edgewood reported 6 shoplifting incidents.

Remember the Clean Car Campaign and keep ALL parked cars cleaned out at ALL times.

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