VaHi Safety Team Report: July 16, 2013

Home » VaHi Safety Team Report: July 16, 2013

By: John Wolfinger

Zone 6 School Supply Drive

Zone 6, in conjunction with the IBPO (the police officer’s union) is conducting a drive hoping to collect enough school supplies to provide at least 50 Zone 6 families with the basics to send their children back to school.  They need backpacks and all of the usual school supplies.  Your donations can be taken directly to Zone 6 headquarters at 2025 Hosea Williams Drive, ATL 30317 in the heart of Kirkwood or you can leave them on my front porch at 1054 Vance Avenue, NE.  The more kids that we can keep interested and successful in school – the better it is for all of us.

APD’s June Highlights

This new report is at

SouthEast Atlanta/DeKalb County/Decatur Crime Meeting

This AJC article sums up the problems that Zones 6 and Zone 3 are facing south of here, as well as neighboring unincorporated DeKalb County and the City of Decatur.  Note the references in this article to the very young ages of some of these perps and why I mentioned above the importance of keeping kids successful in school and away from becoming criminals, which is the importance of this Zone 6 school supply drive.  You may think that these areas are far away from VaHi – but think again – they are only a few minutes driving time from VaHi.

BeltLine News

Thanx to Lieutenant Jeff Baxter, the head of the APD BeltLine Path Force, we now have some contact info to report non-emergency issues on this urban pathway.  For homeless issues – call the Path Force office at 404-546-7284 or e-mail the supervisors, Day Watch Sergeant Hannula at [email protected]  or Evening Watch Sergeant Andry at [email protected]

For other issues related to the BeltLine, call the BeltLine fixit line at 404-477-3687 or e-mail at [email protected]

I am hearing a lot of very positive reports about the police presence on the BeltLine – but do not assume that you can let down your guard on this greenspace and show your personal electronics to the world.  You are still in the city on the path and the same common sense rules apply here too.

Crime Statistics

Since the subject of crime statistics comes up very often, VaHi resident David Berl, has compiled a table of statistics specifically for our neighborhood, which also is Zone 6 Beat 601.  Lots of data can be found in the Uniform Crime Reports at  David has taken the Zone 6 information provided for all beats and separated out our Beat 601 and sorted it out by crime category for the first two quarters of this year.  His report is at

This data shows that – larcenies from vehicle tops all other crimes by far – and up 49% in the 2nd quarter.

This is the type of crime that we as citizens can really have an impact on.  Don’t leave anything in your parked vehicle.  Remind your visitors to remove valuables from their vehicles.

Residential burglary comes in 2nd.  Down 33% in the 2nd quarter.

In 3rd place is Auto Thefts – also down 33%

Robberies are infrequent, but of great concern nevertheless.  Twice as many robberies occurred in the 2nd quarter.

No homicides this year – which is really great news.

David’s intent is to provide a quick view into crime trends here in Beat 601. To make the data meaningful, all criminal activity must be reported via 911 – if it is not reported, it did not happen as far as APD is concerned.

Thank you David for the above commentary and for compiling these statistics.

The following reports are from our APD Zone 6 ( crime stats for the 2013 weeks of 25 and 26 (6-16 to 6/29) for our VaHi Beat 601, along with some news from around the Zone.  Again, I state that these reports are not meant to scare anyone, but to make you aware of what happens around us everyday and to raise your alertness.

Aggravated Assault  –  No reported incidents from Beat 601

Auto Theft  –  A 2000 Chrysler Voyager was stolen from Greenwood Avenue, and a ’94 Acura Integra was taken from Los Angeles Avenue.

Around the Zone in this time period there were 37 vehicles stolen and another 14 attempts at theft.  6 of the stolen vehicles had the keys left in the ignition!!!

Commercial Burglary  –  No reported incidents in Beat 601

Residential Burglary  –  A PDL Place home was entered by breaking a rear door.  On Park Drive entry was made via a front window broken with a rock.  A bicycle was stolen from a Briarcliff Road garage through an invitational open door.  A Lanier Boulevard tool shed was entered by breaking the lock.

Commercial Robbery  –  No reported incidents in Beat 601

Residential Robbery  –  No reported incidents in Beat 601

Pedestrian Robbery  –  No reported incidents in Beat 601

However around the Zone – there are still reports of snatch and grab Apple pickings, both on residential and commercial streets.

Larceny From Vehicle  –  Vehicles were entered on St. Charles Avenue, North Highland Avenue (3), PDL Avenue, Lanier Boulevard, Drewry Street, and Frederica Street.

Around the Zone in this time period there were two Glocks taken – one fully loaded with a 15 round magazine.  So – two more weapons on the street for robbery.

Larceny Other  –  Another locked bike was taken from a porch in the Virginia Highland apartment complex on Virginia Avenue – this theft is one of several in this community lately.  A cell phone was taken from the hostess stand at a PDL Avenue restaurant – the perps had distracted her long enough to grab the phone.  Personal items were taken from a Drewry Street home while work was being done.  A laborer picked up at the PDL Avenue McDonalds is suspected.  You may completely trust your contractor, but if one of his sub-contractors hires questionable people to work, you can still be vulnerable.

Going on vacation?  If you are a FBAC (Fight Back Against Crime) member – be sure to notify them for house checks.  Learn more about FBAC at

To those of you who asked me about the naked female sighting Sunday nite on Los Angeles Avenue – this was NOT a stranger on stranger assault case, but the after effects of a domestic situation.  The victim was taken to Grady for observation and this is all I know.

Stay Alert!!!

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