VaHi Safety Team Report: November 12, 2013

Home » VaHi Safety Team Report: November 12, 2013

Two Community Volunteer Job Opportunities Open

Our FBAC (Fight Back Against Crime – neighborhood subscription off-duty patrol system is in need of a Marketing/Membership point person to continue the great work started by Brian Gross before he moved to Mexico. Brian has laid all of the important groundwork – so this volunteer job will be to follow and make sure this important safety group maintains its strong membership base. Interested persons please contact Nancy Safay at  [email protected].

We also need a successor to follow in the footsteps of Laura Voisinet to head up the VaHi Graffiti Task Force – here again, Laura has done the important groundwork, and a new person just needs to eradicate any new graffiti vandalism that is spotted here. Hopefully this new person will have a tool shed or basement to store the eradication supplies that Laura has in the ready and be able to summon Task Force members to do a quick cleanup. Contact Laura at [email protected] to get a rundown on the details.

Zone 6 Christmas Toy Drive is Underway

Yes – it’s that time of year and Zone 6 Officers are creating a list of children in need of some special Christmas cheer.  They are asking for donations of new, unwrapped toys, and I will be glad to serve as a VaHi collection point.  Just being your donations to my front porch at 1054 Vance Avenue, NE after 11/25 until 12/17 and I will take them to Zone 6 headquarters in Kirkwood for the Christmas party on 12/20.  If you have questions as to what sorts of toys are needed send an e-mail to Sergeant Caroline Tanksley at  [email protected].

Public School Safety Meeting

APS will be having a school safety meeting at Inman Middle School on Virginia Avenue from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on 11/19.

Fulton County Drug Courts – Good or Bad??

This is a tough question to answer as there are good and bad results.

The following reports are taken from our APD Zone 6 ( VaHi Beat 601 crime stats for the 2013 weeks of 42 and 43 (10/13 – 10/26). These reports are not meant to scare anyone, but to make you aware of what happens around us everyday and to raise your level of alertness.

Aggravated Assault: No reported incidents in Beat 601.

Auto Theft: No reported incidents in Beat 601.

Commercial Burglary: The under renovation Briarcliff Summit building on PDL Avenue @ North Highland Avenue had a series of construction supply thefts on two days. On 10/14 two pressure washers and metal pieces were taken from the back parking lot with 2 males in a pickup truck being seen taking these pieces. On 10/15 heavy unchained/unlocked equipment pieces were taken.  Then also on 10/15 two more folks were seen looting the basement storeroom of windows and loading them into a U-Haul truck. Thanx to an observant neighbor across the alley in the Collonade Condo building 911 was called and 2 arrests were made in this incident.

Residential Burglary: A Greenwood Avenue residence was entered with no signs of forced entry (maybe via an unlocked door) with small personal items taken.  An Adair Avenue home was entered via a bedroom window with jewelry and small electronics taken.

Commercial Robbery: No reported incidents in Beat 601.

Residential Robbery: No reported incidents in Beat 601.

Pedestrian Robbery: No reported incidents in Beat 601.

Larceny From Vehicle: Vehicles were entered on Bonaventure Avenue, PDL Avenue, North Highland Avenue and Drewry Street.

Amazingly enough – the Drewry Street incident was the only report for Week # 43!!

Larceny Other: A bicycle was stolen from PDL Place and power saws were taken from an Adair Avenue residence work site.

Elsewhere in the Zone – our PDL Avenue Kroger and Publix supermarkets caught 4 shoplifters.

Stay alert and keep ALL parked cars cleaned out at ALL times.

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