House Number Event Set for April 30th
How many times have you driven around the neighborhood trying to find a particular address and had to search high and low to find the home’s street number? If it’s hard for residents who live in the neighborhood to zero in on a specific residence, imagine how tough it is for firefighters and police officers who don’t live in the neighborhood and are often responding to an emergency?
The VHCA, in conjunction with neighborhood watch volunteers, is hosting a Street Number Event on April 30th to help address this problem. We will have tables at the corner of Virginia and Highland Avenues and at Ace Hardware where you can see samples of reflective mailbox numbers, house numbers and solar address plaques. In addition, we will be selling VHCA-branded house number plaques.
Please come out to say hi to our Street Number Event volunteers and learn more about effective street numbers, how they can help and where to buy them.
April 30th
- 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. – Corner of Virginia and North Highland
- 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. – Intown Ace Hardware Parking Lot