Volunteers Fight Graffiti on Maiden Lane

Home » Volunteers Fight Graffiti on Maiden Lane

By Laura Voisinet, VaHi Graffiti Task Force – graffiti@vahi.org

Friday afternoon when most of us were gearing up for the Labor Day holiday, a small but mighty group of neighbors came together to clean up an eyesore along Maiden Lane.

Led by St Charles Ave. west end Street Captain Mike Boyle, and joined by Safety Chair John Wolfinger, power washer extraordinaire Jimmy Lee and highly capable volunteers David Berl, David Binkney, and Todd Matthews, the 755 Apartment Building got its much-needed makeover. With a fence soon to be erected by the owner, this property should remain clean and no longer be a magnet for taggers on the alley.

Thanks around to all, but especially to Mike for spearheading this effort on behalf of his block and our entire neighborhood. We think you’ll agree that Street Captains in Virginia-Highland are a tremendous asset in a myriad of ways!

Speaking of Maiden Lane, here’s an AJC article from 2008 by Voice contributor John Becker that provides insight as to how some involved VaHi residents and then-City Councilperson Anne Fauver were able to bring some much needed improvements to this forgotten VaHi street.



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