Volunteers Turn Out to Support Trees Atlanta VaHi Planting
Many thanks to the Cub Scouts of UMC Pack #17 (and their accompanying moms, dads, brothers and sisters) and all the other volunteers who showed up to plant 80 new trees this past Saturday in VaHi. If you were out and about in the ‘hood late morning you saw them along Briarcliff Pl., Greenwood Ave. and throughout Atkins Park planting carefully selected trees that we will enjoy for years to come. This was Trees Atlanta’s annual major VaHi planting event, and it was accompanied by a parallel planting in Morningside (also supported by Pack #17).
Special thanks to Alex and the team from Trees Atlanta for providing the trees and expertise. Longtime VaHi resident Stephanie Coffin was very involved in the planning of this event (as she always is) but was out of town and unfortunately couldn’t attend the planting.
Click here to view an album of photos from the event.
Trees Atlanta and VaHi Volunteers: You Guys Rock!!