- Monitor and maintain the renovation completed several years ago.
- Evaluate neighborhood support in order to begin evaluation of cost and efforts required to conduct an Ecological Assessment and Community-Based Master Plan specifically considering:
- Improvements to the naturalized areas of the Park (along Elkmont and Brookridge), possibly including riparian restoration,
- Recommendations for renovation of the existing historic bridge,
- Recommendations for safety improvements for park access points,
- Consideration of park aesthetics, viewsheds, and visitor experience including those in shared use areas,
- Planting recommendations to enhance park character, sense of place and visitor navigation,
- Assessment of existing conditions of vegetation, stream health, and stormwater flows, and
- Management of invasive plants, installation of new planting supportive of native ecology.
- Stage volunteer days and participate in meetings with the Friends of Orme Park group as needed to work on plantings and cleanups, etc.