ATAG II (review process for issuance/enforcement of alcohol permits)

Home » ATAG II (review process for issuance/enforcement of alcohol permits)

from John Wolfinger
ATAG II (Alcohol Technical Advisory Group) meeting at the Inman School on 3/22/2012 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. This group has been set up by City Council to review our existing city alcohol permit issuance and enforcement system. This investigation is long over-due – and though we, for the most part, have responsible license holders here in VaHi – the rest of our NPU is fraught with problems along the Cheshire Bridge Road corridor for example. This meeting gives you a chance to learn more about these problems and to offer your suggestions for change. I attended the first of these meetings at City Hall and got to hear our NPU Chair, Jane Rawlings, render a passionate plea for changes in the Cheshire Bridge/Piedmont Road area.

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