Yet Another Scam to Be Aware Of

Home » Yet Another Scam to Be Aware Of

There have to be some people who lay awake at night trying to think of ways to run scams. I just got the following e-mail from Joe McCoy telling me about this cash redistribution method I was not aware of – though after checking this afternoon I found that it is going on in various places around the metro area. Joe stated he was approached in the Midtown Promenade shopping center parking lot that past Sunday by 2 w/m in their mid 20s to early 30s who “were trying to get rid opf some home audio equipment”. He states that they were following the script described as the “White Van Speaker scam” as described in this Wikipedia article at These particular guys were driving a late model hunter green Toyota Forerunner.

Speaking of scams – I haven’t heard anything at all lately about our infamous guy standing by the roadside flagging down cars, guess he has gone on to other neighborhoods for a while. The same with the guy who offers to repair your car after you can’t get it started in a parking lot, as well as the guys selling meat out of the back of their pickup truck. Hopefully they have all given up on this part of the city.

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