Inman Middle School Jazz Band Gives Visitors an Unexpected Treat
Visitors to the Inman lobby were given a treat early on Friday, March 31, when they were unexpectedly arrested by a glorious sound that filled the whole area. It was a pop-up concert by the Inman Middle Jazz Band.
The sound was astonishing. Was it the skill of the young players, the irresistible cascading score, the last day of school, or the beautiful spring day that raised those children to such heights? Maybe all of those. The surprisingly polished sound from players so young was truly a treat. And there was so much joy and enthusiasm coming from the ensemble.
What they were playing was a piece called “Cold Duck Time” by Eddie Harris. The crescendo toward its grand conclusion was lots of fun—reminded me, in a way, of the ending of Ravel’s Bolero in the way it built and hypnotized its way to the end.
Inman Middle Band Director Arneesa Woods (pictured) is clearly an inspiration to those musicians. You could see it in the way she conducted and the way in which they responded.
She told me afterwards that she has been Inman band director for 16 years. She obviously loves it, and she even had a former student, now an adult, assisting her today.
And why the pop-up concert? They are preparing for their spring concert at Grady, and to build confidence under a little more pressure, Arneesa decided they should play in the open lobby for anyone who walked by. They clearly rose to the occasion. So glad I stumbled into it.