Our Car Repair Scammer

By | April 1, 2012

Thanx to an alert and aware neighbor who sent the dialogue about this scammer in the attachment to this report. This is info to pass on to your neighbors and friends. If anyone suspects they have become a victim of this parking lot scam – DO NOT pay the guy who just happens to show…

Safety chair John Wolfinger on FOX5

By | March 29, 2012

On March 29, VHCA safety chair John Wolfinger and neighborhood watch street captains Kay Stephenson and JD Christie were interviewed by FOX 5 about how to best react when seeing suspicious activity: See something – say something!  Watch the video here or at the FOX 5 site…

Added NC Zoning presentation

By | March 22, 2012

Added: Presentation on Neighborhood Commercial Zoning by Aaron Fortner. What are the goals and uses of NC Zoning? What are the three NC zones and what are the guidelines for each?

APS redistricting: Letter from VHCA to Superintendent Davis

By | March 20, 2012

Letter from the VHCA to Superintendent Davis March 20, 2012 Dear Superintendent Davis, We appreciate the difficult task you face. Our neighborhood schools are the foundation of our communities. Our schools are the reason people move into our neighborhood. Our schools are the place where parents meet one another and where a sense of community…

S.H.I.N.E. energy rebates

By | March 20, 2012

The SHINE Gold program offers rebates to City of Atlanta homeowners for improvement projects that target how the entire house system uses energy.* Often referred to as a “whole house approach”, the SHINE Gold program includes all improvements that collectively achieve a target energy use goal. Homeowners can receive a 25% rebate (up to $2,000)…

Garrison Afterschool Program

By | March 20, 2012

This summer, let your children explore science and culture — and have fun while they learn! The Garrison Afterschool Program at The Episcopal Church of our Saviour in Virginia-Highland is offering several week-long summer camps for children ages 3–6 and 7—10 years old. Choose among playful themes including Science Play, Reuse and Realize, Water World, The Olympic…

District 6 Collective Brain Trust All Hands Community Meeting

By | March 20, 2012

District 6 Commissioner Joan P. Garner Invites You Participating Atlanta City Councilmembers: District 1, Carla Smith District 2, Kwanza Hall District 4, Cleta Winslow District 6, Alex Wan … And YOU! Friday, April 13, 2012, 9 am – 12 noon, Zoo Atlanta, Ford Conference Room, 800 Cherokee Avenue, SE Fulton County Department Directors will share information about useful constituent services…

Workday in Orme Park 3/24

By Ida Centner | March 19, 2012

Buy a brick, donate for parks! >>> See all news stories about Orme Park >>> The sand is coming! The sand is coming! Please join us for a neighborhood workday at Orme Park on Saturday, March 24th from 9:00 to 11:30. We will be joined by Boy Scout Troop 455. In addition to moving the…

Minutes – January 9, 2012

By | March 16, 2012

MINUTES Virginia‐Highland Civic Association Board Meeting January 9, 2012 Ponce de Leon Library Mr. White called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Present were board members Peggy Berg, Lola Carlisle, Frazier Dworet, Genny Ferrero, Lauren Wilkes Fralick, Brian Gross, Pamela Papner, Jack White, and David Wolfson. Absent with notice was Lauren Wilkes Fralick, who…

3/12 VHCA meeting – quick recap

By Ida Centner | March 13, 2012

Quick recap of the March 12 VHCA meeting: Discussed the ongoing public schools redistricting process ahead of tonight’s special meeting on the topic Heard the APD’s Capt. Van Hobbs, the new Asst. Commander for Zone 6, report that crime levels remain low and down from a similar period last year. Heard a proposal from Streets…

Come help landscape the Triangle 3/18!

By | March 13, 2012

Join us this Sunday, March 18 at 1:00 pm as we work together and execute the VHCA’s landscape plan at the Triangle (in front of Taco Mac at the corner of Virginia Avenue and North Highland). Bring gloves and shovels if you have them.  We will also provide tools. We’ll be raking, spreading, shoveling and…

New on vahi.org

By | March 13, 2012

New content on vahi.org: Safety reports by John Wolfinger from their inception in March 2009 up through the most recent report Voice (print edition) PDF files — 9 issues since 2009 now available online Safety reports, Voice PDFs and archived news items are accompanied by topic index allowing you to view all information available for…

Spring Season Begins for Virginia-Highland Softball Team

By | March 13, 2012

VaHi Villains Look to Stay Undefeated Sunday Against Lake Claire By: John Becker Bet you didn’t know your neighborhood has a coed softball team. Well, it does and the VaHi Villains are actually an in-town softball force to be reckoned with. Residents David Marder and Duane Wandless founded the team in 2009. The Villains play…

ATAG II (review process for issuance/enforcement of alcohol permits)

By | March 12, 2012

from John Wolfinger ATAG II (Alcohol Technical Advisory Group) meeting at the Inman School on 3/22/2012 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. This group has been set up by City Council to review our existing city alcohol permit issuance and enforcement system. This investigation is long over-due – and though we, for the most part, have…

Publix Georgia Marathon 3/18 (street closures)

By | March 12, 2012

The Publix Georgia Marathon, which will run through our neighborhood on 3/18/2012. Check on routes, times, etc at www.georgiamarathon.com then click on “community” for info. The marathon will affect streets in a wide swathe from Downtown to Decatur — here are the main streets in our immediate neighborhood that are affected, but see also full…

Fulton Co. Sheriff Citizens’ Academy

By | March 12, 2012

The Fulton County Sheriff’s Office Citizen’s Academy. Even though the intent of this educational program is somewhat akin to our APD Citizen’s Academy – it is really enough different for even those of us who have done the Atlanta program to consider enrolling in this program also. This program begins 4/25/2012 and continues for 6…

Sign up for Code Red System (severe weather alerts)

By | March 12, 2012

Tornado season is upon us – sign up for alerts of these storms at the Fulton County Code Red system – http://www.fultoncountyga.gov/code-red-emergency-notification-system

Register for Smart 911

By | March 12, 2012

To aid you when you have to make a 911 emergency call for help – sign up for the APD Smart 911 system to have your household vitals already registered. It’s so much easier to remember facts in this enrollment process at your keyboard than when you are frantically calling for help in an emergency.…

State Legislature

By | March 12, 2012

According to the AJC on 3/11/2012 the following bills that affect our safety in one way or another are still alive. HB 1176 – Would change the state’s approach to criminal sentencing in an attempt to control the prison population by sentencing non-violent offenders to alternative programs (such as drug courts). SB 316 – Would…

Crime reports

By | March 12, 2012

The following reports are gleaned from our Zone 6 crime stats for the weeks 8 and 9 of 2012, with emphasis on our VaHi beat 601 – but with news from around the Zone as it affects us in some way. Again, I state these reports are not meant to scare anyone, but to raise…

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